EACT Award 2024

The European Associations of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) is pleased to invite its members for nominations for the 5th EACT Award 2024 [hereinafter referred to as: “the Award 2024”, “the award’]. In 2024 the EACT Award will celebrate achievements which reflect the developments of treasury in 2023 year and will inspire treasury professionals in different area of treasury activity. The Award 2024 will be presented during the EACT Summit, 11-12 April 2024, in Brussels.

As in previous years, development is defined in the sense of a positive evolution which can result from innovation, contribution to sustainable growth, setting of standards for best practices.

The following criteria will be applied by the Award jury, i.e. all EACT Board members:

  • Innovation: Do new things or do classic things in a new way
  • Reach: The project could be implemented in many geographies / areas / “company sizes”
  • Environment, Social, Governance: Contribute to make the world a better place
  • Excellence: Aim at perfection
  • Impact: Achieve monetary benefits, positive impacts for the corporate
  • Inspiration: The “wow” factor

For each of the criteria, the jury will evaluate the success of the project relative to the prevailing business conditions. The project submitted should have been started in production or implemented between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023.

The nominee application document will be in English language and will summarize the project in a maximum of 3 pages. Nominees should present some form of measure of benefits achieved. Additional reference documents may be provided in an annex. Nominees should also prepare a headline paragraph summarizing their project in less than 50 words and the presentation. The application (all 3 documents) will be sent to the respective NTA which in turn nominates the project to the EACT Award Team: Francois Masquelier, Ivan Haco, Aleksandra Filipowicz.

A condition for NTA nominations is the commitment by the nominee to attend the EACT Summit 11- 12 April 2024 in case they are among the finalists. The EACT will invite and reimburse travel and accommodation expenses of one representative per finalist team. Other members of the finalist teams can attend but will be accounted for in the NTA delegates quota and their travel expenses will not be reimbursed by the EACT. An award trophy will be presented to the winner and celebrated with the treasury community during the EACT Summit 2024.

All finalists will be celebrated in the treasury community and its publications, hence the three EACT Award finalists will be requested to prepare a short video of their project to present and promote it by the EACT community. In addition, the EACT would appreciate the three finalists being prepared to share their project as a business case study in the Journeys to Treasury 2024/25 issue.

If you would like to make a submission please get in touch with your National Treasury Association.

The deadline is 31 January 2024.

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